HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco Awards the 2018 Prince’s Prize fro Innovative Philanthropy to Douglas WOODRING (Ocean For Recovery Alliance)
Monaco, January 22, 2018 - Mr. Douglas Woodring, Founder and Managing Director of Ocean Recovery Alliance, has been awarded 2018 Prince’s Prize for Innovative Philanthropy by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco.
Ocean Recovery Alliance focuses on bringing together new ways of thinking, technologies, creativity, collaboration, and initiatives to help improve the ocean environment.
The Award is a global initiative jointly developed by The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and The Tocqueville Foundation. Its goal is to highlight projects and initiatives that have triggered innovative activity in the field of philanthropy, seeking out individuals and organizations that inspire others and demonstrate strong impact or potential impact.
Mr. Woodring received the award for his years of dedication, focus and persistence on reducing plastic pollution, and by doing so with creative, scalable programs that can be replicated across borders. It is one of the first NGOs to work with both the UN Environment (UNEP) and the World Bank on their respective programs aimed at reducing plastic pollution.
Mr. Woodring founded the Ocean Recovery Alliance with the strong conviction that improving the health of the global ocean require to bring together innovative solutions, technology, collaborations between the public and the private sector, national and multilateral policies, said H.S.H Prince Albert II at the presentation of the award
Mr Woodring said “We have taken a different, creative, yet realistic approach to solving this issue globally. Our Program bring focus to the issue of plastic in its “afterleif”, either through use ine a company or institutional setting, or via trash hotspots which need to be cleaned and prevented, via community engagement”.