Ethics Charter


Created in 2006, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) is a Monegasque law association dedicated to the protection of the environment.
In achieving its objectives, the Foundation strives to promote sustainable development, taking into consideration all existing social and economic challenges and operating in a context of growth.
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) is active on an international level and is committed to raising awareness about the impact of human activity on the environment among governments and populations.
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) aims to reconcile environmental protection with progress, placing human wellbeing at the centre of all issues related environment.


The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) focuses its activities within the following three priority areas:

  • limitation of climate change and promotion of renewable energies
  • conservation of biodiversity
  • protection of water resources and the fight against desertification.

Through targetted actions and fieldwork, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) seeks to develop its activities within these three areas by supporting specific projects which target:

  • better understanding of biodiversity
  • the protection endangered species
  • the development of Marine Protected Areas
  • the study of climate change and its effects
  • the development of energy efficiency and renewable energies
  • ocean acidification
  • the fight against deforestation
  • integrated management of and access to water resources.

These projects are carried out in three priority geographical zones which are:

  • the Mediterranean Basin, cradle of the Principality of Monaco
  • the Polar regions, which are important indicators of global environmental change and whose inhabitants are under severe threat from global warming, pollution and species extinction
  • lastly, the Least Developed Countries, which are more exposed than others to major environmental problems and less equipped to cope with them.

The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) is committed to encouraging and supporting environmentally-friendly behaviour on the part of governments and local populations in these three priority geographical zones through its practice of awarding prizes and grants. In this way, the Foundation actively promotes and encourages outstanding initiatives and innovative solutions for environmental issues.


The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F)’s objectives and programs have been defined by the Board of the Directors and the General Assembly.
The Board of Directors, presided over by H.S.H. Prince Albert of Monaco and assisted by an Executive Office, manages and supervises the Foundation’s activities.
The Scientific and Technical Committee acts as a think tank and provides guidance in each of the Foundation’s main areas of intervention. The Committee is involved in the project selection process and delivers its opinions to the Board of Directors about the Foundation’s projects and partnerships.
The Development Committee helps to raise the financial resources necessary to implement the Foundation’s action plans and objectives.
Finally, the Ethics Commission guarantees that all the Foundation’s activities respect ethical requirements in line with all applicable laws, regulations and international conventions.


The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) favours a system based on multilateral cooperation, which is the only one guaranteeing that everyone’s best interests are respected. The Foundation intends to contribute to the emergence of a new form of governance, one that is open, participatory and that is adapted to ecological imperatives.
It is with this perspective in mind that the Foundation establishes its partnerships, for the purposes of developing collaborative effort, as well as supporting technical innovations and implementing strategic actions in line with its objectives.
To this end, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) practices non-profit making management for its range of activities, such as partnerships and projects, as well as agreements it may enter into.
Persons joining its governing bodies, as well as its partners, are required to prevent any situation which could possibly give rise to a conflict between the Foundation’s objectives and their own activities or interests and to inform the Foundation of any such situations.
Whilst the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) strives to build its reserves in order to ensure the sustainability of its goals, it also commits to ensure that any revenue from donations is used in accordance with the donors’ wishes.
The Foundation does not accept any donations or benefits of an anonymous nature, or which are linked to any form of intention or condition which would conflict with its own objectives.
In addition, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) makes sure that its donors share the same ethical and environmental values as itself.
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) also ensures that the support it provides is used in a way that respects the dignity and rights of all persons concerned.
When carrying out projects of an economic nature and in particular through the aquisition of equity investments, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) will ensure that the activities it supports demonstrate effectiveness and that they are coherent with all the Foundation’s objectives.
The Foundation ensures that its actions and decisions stem from ethical and transparent behaviour which takes into account the expectations of all people concerned. It also keeps a close watch on the impact its decisions and activities are having on the environment,
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) expects all its partners and all people who benefit from its support to recognise and respect the Foundation’s core values and principles and to manifest an attitude and activities that are genuinely beneficial to the environment at all times.

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