Minister Plenipotentiary, Special Advisor to HSH the Sovereign Prince on environmental issues
Member of the Board of Directors of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation from 2006 to 2024
His Excellency Mr. Bernard Fautrier began his career as acivil servant in the Ministry of the Economy of the FrenchRepublic and returned to Monaco in 1969. He wasappointed Secretary of the Department of Urban Planning,Director General of the Department of Public Works, thenGovernment Counsellor (Minister) for Public Works andSocial Affairs within the Monegasque Administration (1984-1995).
From 1 995 to 2003, he was in charge of several diplomatic missions. In 2006, he was appointed MinisterPlenipotentiary, Chargé de Mission to the Minister of State for Sustainable Development. At the request of theSovereign Prince, he was also the Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of the Prince Albert II of MonacoFoundation from 2006 to 2020. Since July 2018, he has been co-chairing the International Coral Reef Initiative(ICRI) on behalf of Monaco. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Oceanography andalso holds the position of Chairman of the funding mechanism "TheMedFund", aimed at developing MarineProtected Areas in the Mediterranean, of "BeMed", an initiative fighting against plastic pollution at sea, and ofthe National Committee of the World Energy Council