An agreement signed between the Foundation and CNRS
On the occasion of a visit by HSH Prince Albert II to the Observatoire Océanologique in Villefranche-sur-Mer on 21st June 2017, an agreement was signed between the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and CNRS, acting both in its own name and on behalf of the Observatoire Océanologique of Villefranche-sur-Mer. The purpose of the agreement is the provision of funding by the Foundation with a view to implementing a project to put into place six Bioargo PH floats: BGC-Argo-pH.
An Argo float measures, every ten days, the temperature and salinity of the ocean between the surface and a depth of 2 km. A BGC-Argo float supplements these measurements with chemical and biological ones.
The aim of the Bioargo PH float project is to develop pH measurement by means of an Argo type profiling float and to use six of these robots to begin the robotic monitoring of acidity changes in key ocean areas. The initial goal of BGC-Argo-pH is therefore to develop and test six BGC-Argo floats which will measure for the first time all of the six parameters recommended by the international community including pH.
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation thus continues to demonstrate its commitment to climate issues, by improving knowledge of ocean functioning.