Botanical hikes in the heart of the Maritime Alps
On Friday 12th May 2017, Gilletta Publishers released a guide entitled “Randonnées botaniques et découvertes de la végétation dans les Alpes Maritimes”* (24.50 Euros), offering plant lovers the opportunity to discover the botanical heritage of the Maritime Alps. The department harbours a patchwork of diverse landscapes and is host to a large number of plant species unique in the world.
The book, supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation was written by Louis Poirion, Lionel Carles and Ludovic Thébault. Benefitting from the input of the Conservatoire Botanique National Méditerranéen and the Parc National du Mercantour it makes information usually reserved for specialists available to all and also suggests 33 itineraries for botanical hikes and nature walks from the coast to the highest summit.
A free mobile application (IOS and Android) is also available for download. It provides an offline GPS navigation system.
*Botanical hikes and discovering vegetation in the Maritime Alps