Earth Day : HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco delivers a message in favour of the protection of the Planet
A green shift ?
On the occasion of this 50th Earth Day, HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco delivers a message of hope but also a call for a new equilibrium between Human and Nature. Each one of us has a key role to play to shape a better sustainable world.
"Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear friends,
On the occasion of this 50th Earth Day, and while our world is experiencing an unprecedented health crisis, I would like to send you a message of hope and mobilisation.
Over the past few weeks, our lives have changed at an unprecedented speed. These upheavals will inevitably continue.
It is up to us to turn this situation to our advantage, to ensure that the current suffering leads to a better world.
The human frailty we are seeing should lead to us to think about our priorities and reinventing our relationship with nature.
Through the tremendous social and economic changes it is bringing about, and which is bound to do for many months, perhaps many years still, this crisis should prompt us into protecting our Planet, its climate, biodiversity and oceans more effectively.
Today, we know that we can achieve this objective.
Under the threat of the coronavirus, in just a few days we have not only had to, but also been able to, adapt all our ways of living, give up things that we thought were essential and take into consideration realities of which we were unaware up until now.
We also have listened - sometimes rather late, sometimes with difficulty - to the warnings from the scientific community and followed its recommendations.
Faced with the environmental threat, we need to be able to call the same things into question, make the same efforts and more importantly demonstrate the same responsibility and same solidarity.
In addressing climate change, just as in addressing the coronavirus, our individual actions and efforts, the responsibility of each one of us will help us to overcome the climate urgency which is also putting us in jeopardy.
It is the choices each one of us makes that we will enable us to save our environment.
Let us not miss this opportunity.
Keep safe, be well and please: stay at home!
Thank you."
HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco