Every monk seal matters!
Every monk seal matters!
The Monk Seal Alliance has supported an emergency rescue program for 3 monk seals between December 2022 and April 2023.
Two male pups ("Hermes" and "Minoas"), probably separated from their mothers by storms, and a young female ("Rodoula"), extremely weak and emaciated, were found on the beaches of Greece.
Thanks to
the mobilization of local players, notably MOm and the national Rescue and
Information Network (RINT), and the support of the Monk Seal Alliance, they
were taken in at the rehabilitation center near Athens. After several months of
care, the seals were back in shape and released back into the wild in a marine
protected area.
All are doing well!
Follow the news of the Monk Seal Alliance via its website and Foundation's social networks: www.monksealalliance.org