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Experiences from the two early-career scientists on the High North24 campaign


The High North24 campaign has officially concluded after four weeks of intensive Arctic field research. Two early-career researchers, Florian Heinze and Matteo Monzali, were sponsored by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation to embark on this groundbreaking scientific expedition led by the Istituto Idrografico della Marina. The opportunity allowed them to collaborate with experienced polar scientists and gain invaluable firsthand experience in Arctic field research. As the campaign wraps up and everyone returns home, we asked Florian and Matteo about their experiences aboard the R/V Alliance and what this expedition has meant for their scientific careers.

Florian Heinze: "A Dream Come True"

For Florian Heinze, an M.Sc. student in Geological Sciences at Stockholm University, specializing in Marine Geosciences, the High North24 expedition was an unforgettable experience of learning.

Reflecting on his time at sea, Florian shared:

“Participating in the High North24 campaign in the Arctic has been a dream come true. The opportunity to spend an extended period on a research vessel in such a unique region was an unforgettable experience. I fully included myself in the daily research activities, contributing to the exploration of the ocean using various instruments. I particularly focused on learning about sediment work and seafloor mapping, which was a great experience and taught me a lot”

One of the most memorable aspects of Heinze’s journey was the encounter with sea ice, which has deepened his understanding of the unique challenges of working in polar regions:

“Seeing the sea ice for the first time was breathtaking—the variations of blue colors and the sounds it produced were indescribably beautiful. […] It has deepened my understanding of the ocean's importance and has inspired me to continue exploring it in the future”

Heinze also expressed his gratitude to the Istituto Idrografico team aboard, and for the learning opportunity:

“This experience has not only taught me a lot but has also provided me with essential skills and knowledge for my future career. I am deeply grateful to the team at the Istituto Idrografico and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation for making this incredible journey possible”. 

Matteo Monzali: "An Unforgettable Experience"

For Matteo Monzali, a Ph.D. candidate in the Physics of the Earth System at the University of Milano-Bicocca, the High North24 expedition was a unique experience that allowed him to further explore his passion for polar regions and remote sensing.

He stated:

"Participating in the High North24 expedition aboard the Alliance was an unforgettable experience. Spending a month on a ship, something I had never done before, alongside the scientific team from the Istituto Idrografico and the crew, was extraordinary. The vastness of the ocean and the sense of isolation, far from any other ship or city, was striking"

Monzali shared his experience and impressions of witnessing the sea ice for the first time:

"I was especially astonished by the sea ice. Initially, it appeared as just a white line on the horizon, but as we approached, the massive ice chunks were truly impressive. Getting up close with the boat and flying the drone over the ice was amazing. I captured some incredible photographs that I probably won’t have the chance to take again. The contrast between the bright white ice and the deep blue sea was a stunning reminder of how beautiful and fragile the Arctic is."

The experience offered Matteo a unique perspective for his future career:

"The expedition was a profound learning experience and reinforced my passion for studying polar regions and remote sensing. It highlighted the critical importance of understanding and preserving the Arctic environment."

Looking Ahead

Both Heinze and Monzali are now returning to their respective institutions with a wealth of new knowledge, data, and experiences that will undoubtedly shape their future research. Their contributions during the High North24 campaign exemplify the importance of fostering early-career scientists in polar research—a key focus of the Prince Albert II Foundation's Polar Initiative.

As the campaign wraps up, the insights gained from the collected data will continue to inform scientific efforts to understand climate change's impact on the Arctic. Florian Heinze and Matteo Monzali will soon share their experiences in Monaco.