Extension of the call for projects for the Human - Wildlife Initiative in France
The 4th call for projects for the Human Wildlife Initiative (IHF) in France has been extended until 15 December 2023.
For further information and application forms, click here.
On 25 September 2023, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and its partners - the Conseil National de Protection de la Nature, the Chambre d'Agriculture des Alpes-Maritimes, the Fédération des Chasseurs des Alpes-Maritimes and the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur - launched the 4th call for projects in France to improve relations between human activities and wildlife. The aim of this initiative is to identify and provide financial support to local players who are prepared to carry out cohabitation projects on their own scale.
The animal species concerned are: wolves, deer, wild boar, chamois, mouflons, ibex, foxes, mustelids, chiroptera, rodents and birds. The projects selected, which may begin in the second quarter of 2024, must involve :
- Actions on the ground aimed at preventing or mitigating conflicts between wildlife and human activities;
- Actions to improve knowledge of species sharing territory with humans;
- Actions to raise awareness among the general public and schoolchildren of the issues involved in cohabiting with wildlife;
- Actions to promote agricultural production and cultural, sporting or ecotourism activities linked to wildlife.
Project sponsors will be promoted through the communication activities of the Foundation and its partners.
For further information on the 4th call for IHF projects in France, please click on this link.