For a harmonious coexistence between man and wolf in France
Press release
The Human-Wildlife Initiative reiterates its basic principles and advocates efforts on both sides to promote the cohabitation of wildlife and human activities. The National Action Plan (NAP) for wolves and livestock farming was presented by the government for the period 2024-2029. This NAP should ensure the proper conservation of the species in France, while providing support and guidance for pastoralism. The NPA is widely divisive, both within the farming industry and among environmental associations, which immediately withdrew from the Groupe National Loup, the consultative body responsible for developing the NPA.
In 2020, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Conseil National de Protection de la Nature, the Alpes-Maritimes Chamber of Agriculture, the Alpes-Maritimes Hunting Federation and the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur League for the Protection of Birds created the Human-Wildlife Initiative. The aim of this initiative is to develop innovative, practical proposals for improving relations between wildlife and human activities, including agriculture, tourism, hunting, nature sports and forest management.
The Human-Wildlife Initiative reiterates the importance of promoting cohabitation, which involves the harmonious sharing of land and resources, so that biodiversity can flourish while allowing the human activities involved to proceed smoothly.
In the age of the sixth mass extinction, the return of the wolf, which could be a sign of hope for our environment, is proving to be a source of conflict.
To manage this source of conflict through the systematic use of weapons is to resign ourselves to man's inability to get along, understand and live in harmony with nature. It's a disaster for the livestock industry, which sees no way out, and a tragedy for biodiversity, which is losing the natural predator that keeps it healthy.
By providing financial support for projects run by nature conservation organisations and government departments that are based on local realities, the Human-Wildlife Initiative is a source of hope for easing conflicts and enabling cohabitation.
On 25
September, the opening date of its fourth call for projects, the Initiative is
asserting its determination to support action in favour of peaceful
For more information: www.initiativehommefaunesauvage.org