H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco visits the Senate in Paris
The Club des Voitures Ecologiques and the Club du Dernier Kilomètre de Livraison group together more than a hundred personalities from across the political spectrum, with the aim of encouraging our fellow citizens to choose more environmentally-friendly vehicles.
In the light of the commitments made by the Principality and his Foundation, HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco and HE Bernard Fautrier were invited to preside over a lunch hosted at the Senate by Marc Teyssier d'Orfeuil, Executive Officer of the clubs.
Welcomed by Ms Bariza Khiari, Senator of Paris and Vice-President of the Senate, on behalf of Jean-Pierre Bel, the debate brought together fifty or so economic players and elected officials involved in the promotion of sustainable mobility.
Guests included Chantal Jouanno, Senator of Paris, former Minister of Ecology, Louis Nègre, Senator-Mayor of the Maritime Alps, rapporteur for the Transport Component of the "Grenelle Environnement" and Philippe Hirtzman, responsible for the development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure for the Ministries of Sustainable Development and Productive Recovery.
In an introductory address lasting approximately ten minutes, HSH Prince Albert II started by pointing out the worldwide challenges in combating global warming, the need for a shift in transportation modes, especially cars, and the important ties established between France and the Principality concerning these topics of the future.