H.S.H. Prince Albert II takes part in International Polar Year at the National Museum of Natural History
This symposium, placed under the high patronage of Mr Jacques Chirac, President of the French Republic, was organised by the Jean Malaurie Polar Fund, in association with the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines. During his speech, H.S.H. Prince Albert II commended “the community of researchers, explorers and scientists who study these regions with passion and precision and allow us, among other things, to gain a better understanding of climate change” and said that he was confident that “the various scientific projects developed during International Polar Year would enable us to widen our knowledge so that environmental policies presently undertaken would be able to become even more effective.” The Sovereign Prince then paid tribute to the work carried out by researchers throughout the world, stating « You are, Ladies and Gentlemen, spokeswomen and spokesmen for the intelligence of all Nations and it is with your help that we will be able to rise to the challenge that faces us today: to protect our planet in order to save humanity”. Following his speech, H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince received a standing ovation from the audience.
Various key figures took part in the activities of the morning. Following the opening of the symposium by Bertrand-Pierre GALEY, Director General of the National Museum of Natural History, the Minister for Higher Education and Research, François GOULARD, read a message from the President of the Republic. Artur N. TCHILINGAROV, Vice-President of the Duma and Chairman of the Russian International Polar Year and David M. MUNRO from the Royal Scottish Geographical Society concluded the morning working session.
Group photo / from left to right / Bertrand-Pierre Galey Director General of the Museum of Natural History, Jean Malaurie, François Goulard, Minister for Research, H.S.H. Prince Albert II, Arthur N. Chilingarov Vice-President of the Duma and President of the Russian International Polar Year. This internationally renowned event enabled specialists and native representatives from all the major Arctic states to meet together in order to deliberate on the major challenges facing man in the Arctic of today and tomorrow: for instance, the protection of the environment, management training in these countries, the protection of the thousand-year old heritage of the Inuit and international co-operation. The proceedings which took place during these three days will be published in 2008.