H.S.H The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation at the European Parliament
H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco was at the European Parliament in Brussels to take part in the “Peace with Water” Conference.
The aim of the conference was to establish a memorandum setting the joint goals and financial means for an international protocol on water. The text will take into consideration universal guidelines to promote access, conservation and sharing of water to ensure fair, efficient and responsible management in the interest of various living species and that of future generations. As far global warming is concerned, water too often plays a minor role in the debate vis-à-vis energy and greenhouse gases.
The meeting also provided the opportunity to prepare for the Copenhagen conference (December 2009) which will decide on post-Kyoto by providing food for thought on the water issue.
From the very first session in the early morning, key international figures, including Mikhail Gorbachev, Mario Soares, Hans-Gert Pöterring, Karl Falkenberg, Guido Sacconi and Luc van den Brande took the stand to broach water-related issues.
The Sovereign Prince gave an address stating that: “Water-related issues irrigate every organisation in human society in every aspect whether economic, humanitarian, geo-political or social.” He added: “We cannot resolve conflicts relating to water with bilateral agreements. We can move forward by making water a tool for concord, an instrument for the development of the populations”. After taking the example of the Mediterranean basin where 30 million people have no access to clean water, the Prince pointed out that “in the face of such inequality, how can we hope to make peace viv-à-vis water if we don’t make peace with water. How could peace be sustainable if it were to prosper on poverty and injustice?” and stressed that “if water is often a tragic problem, it is also still the solution”.