HSH Prince Albert II takes part in the World Economic Forum in Davos
The World Economic Forum took place in Davos from 23rd to 26th January 2018 and brought together 3000 participants. 70 Heads of State or Government attended, in addition to 38 leaders of international organisations (including the UN, IMF, World Bank, WHO, WTO and ILO).
Presided over by Klaus Schwab, this flagship event for globalisation, now in its 48th annual edition, was opened by India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.
The Global Risk Perception Survey 2018 (GRPS) has been a feature of the “Davos ritual” for ten years now: capitalising on a global panel of over a thousand corporate leaders, scientists and economists, this annual report identifies major global risks (30 in all), whether in regard to their probability or their 10-year destructive impact.
The five most probable risks are, in descending order: “extreme climate events” at the top of the list; then “natural disasters”; third “cyber-attacks”; followed by “data theft or fraud”; and in fifth place, “failure of policies to combat climate change”.
On 25th and 26th January, HSH Prince Albert II took part in a series of bilateral meetings as well as two sessions entitled “Hope for elephants” and “Taking action on ocean”.
“States have a greater responsibility. (…). Civil societies must also take on their responsibilities. NGOs must step up their efforts, as we do with my Foundation.
And businesses, above all, should harness their resources and their capacity for innovation to support an economy capable of generating growth and profits without impoverishing the seas”, said the Sovereign at the session entitled “Taking action on ocean”.