Launch of IPBES-IPCC Co-Sponsored Workshop Report on Biodiversity and Climate Change
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation salutes with appreciation the release of the report by the IPCC and IPBES experts on Biodiversity and Climate Change.
The link between biodiversity and climate is at the heart of many of the Foundation's actions, both from a scientific and governance standpoint. It is undeniable that climate change influences the degradation and loss of biodiversity on the one hand, and that a healthy nature helps to mitigate the effects of climate change on the other. This important and long-awaited work by scientists confirms and further elaborates on the synergies and interactions between these two major challenges we face. As we approach the crucial CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity) and UNFCCC (United Nations Climate Change Conference) conferences at the end of 2021, the paths outlined in this report present a tremendous opportunity to address the two issues simultaneously and thus generate greater efficiency, synergy and impact.