Launch of Students on Ice 2024
As part of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation's Polar Symposium, the 2024 edition of the Students on Ice programme was launched on Friday 23 February in the auditorium of the Lycée Rainier III, in front of a room full of young high school students from the Principality's three schools.
This year, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, in partnership with the Direction de l'Éducation Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports, has renewed its participation in the Students on Ice programme for Première students, offering two students from Monaco the opportunity to travel to the Arctic, in Canada's far north, accompanied by educators and scientists.
As a reminder, since 2008, thanks to the collaboration between Monaco and Students on Ice, 28 high school students from the Principality have been able to explore the polar regions, meet the indigenous populations and discover first-hand the impact of global warming on these areas that are so rich in biodiversity yet so vulnerable.
The conference was introduced by Olivier Wenden, Vice-President and CEO of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, who spoke of the importance of preserving the polar regions for the global climate system and the need for the younger generation to get involved. A video message was sent to the students by Geoff Green, Founder and Director of the SOI Foundation, before the laureates of the 2023 edition, Louise Trichereau and Théodora Sogno, reported on their trip and shared their experiences.
As traditionally at this meeting, a specific project linked to the poles was presented to the public and it was the work of the Ice Memory Foundation that was highlighted thanks to its Chairman, Mr Jérôme Chappelaz, and its Director, Ms Anne-Catherine Ohlmann. Supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation since its inception, the programme works to safeguard ice cores from glaciers currently in danger of deterioration or disappearance, with the aim of preserving the memory of the environment and past climates for decades and centuries to come. This is just one example of the fantastic initiatives led by passionate men and women whose commitment is an essential source of inspiration for young people.
The competition for the 2024 edition of Student on Ice, on the theme of "Working to preserve the polar regions", will take place on Wednesday 13 March from 2pm to 6pm at Collège Charles III.