Monaco commit against deforestation
The association MC2D, with the support of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, has decided to launch a campaign in Monaco to promote the use of wood harvested from sustainably managed forests. This campaign is entitled “Monaco makes a commitment against deforestation”.
Deforestation of the tropical rainforests accounts for more than 20% of greenhouse gas emissions and moreover leads to soil degradation, loss of biodiversity and the exclusion of the local populations.
One of the most effective ways of combating this scourge is to give these forests economic value by developing sustainable management. Such management enables us to target certain tree species and of a certain age only, whilst at the same time respecting biodiversity-rich areas and the people living there. Rational forestry practice enables forest regeneration and generates economic value for the parties concerned - foresters and the indigenous people alike.
One of the concrete catalysts for change resides in the production, marketing and utilisation of certified wood under the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) label, which is currently the most important forest certification label for the tropical rainforests.
In the Principality, several initiatives have already been taken in this respect:
•His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco is patron of UNEP’s “one billion tree campaign”. As such, and through the activities of his Foundation mentioned below, the Prince has become one of the leaders for forest protection.
•The “Association Monégasque de la Protection de la Nature” carries out reforestation activities on a regular basis in the forest areas bordering Monaco, in cooperation with the French National Forestry Commission.
•The Government of Monaco has implemented a responsible purchasing policy for all state construction programmes, recommending the use exclusively of certified wood in its specifications.
•The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation supports an expert training project in the Congo Basin which helps foresters to achieve FSC certification, a project for the education and cultural strengthening of the Kayapo Indians in the Amazon Forest, a conservation project for the Siberut primary forest in Indonesia, a study with the Global Canopy Program on the economic value of the tropical rainforests, and finally a project to create new nature parks in the heart of Amazonian Peru with the Chicago Field Museum.
MC2D and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation are keen to support such efforts by developing the use of certified wood throughout the country and to make the Principality an example in this field.