Monaco striving for ocean recovery and protection
At an event hosted by Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Global Ocean Commission, decision makers, scientists, environmentalists and NGO representatives discussed the action required to protect and sustainably manage the high seas and the global ocean.
The high seas – the area of ocean that lies beyond any one country’s national jurisdiction (i.e. beyond its 200 nautical mile limit) – comprise almost half of the surface of the Earth, but remain largely unmanaged and ungoverned, and as such are in a desperate need for protection and management.
His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco was joined by representatives of the Global Ocean Commission, including the former President of Costa Rica and Commission Co-chair José María Figueres and fellow Commissioner Robert Hill (former Australian Minister for the Environment and UN Ambassador) who provided a detailed overview of the Commission’s final report addressing the state of the global ocean and the 8 proposals they have presented to restore and protect this vast and valuable resource.
The Commission highlighted that the ocean provides half of the planets oxygen, absorbs half of man-made carbon emissions and is the beginning of the food chain. They warned that if we are to protect the world's food supply and biodiversity habitats, swift action is required to combat overfishing, pollution and rising climate emissions.
This event served to inform and enthuse participants on the issues of the high seas and the role they and the public at large can play in calling for global action, particularly in light of the importance of 2015 when the United Nations will decide on whether to launch negotiations for a new treaty for high seas biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. The UN will also adopt new Sustainable Development Goals that could hopefully include a Specific Goal dedicated to the conservation of the oceans, actively promoted by the GOC and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.
The Global Ocean Commission is an independent international commission addressing the principal threats facing the global ocean, and originated as an initiative of the Pew Charitable Trusts, in partnership with Somerville College at the University of Oxford, Adessium Foundation and Oceans 5. It is supported by Pew, Adessium Foundation, Oceans 5 and the Swire Group Charitable Trust, but is independent of all. It is hosted by Somerville College.
A healthy ocean is vital for all life on Earth and provides food, clean air, fresh water and livelihoods.
For more information, including a full list of Commissioners and its report, visit www.globaloceancommission.org
For full Commissioner biographies, visit www.globaloceancommission.org/the-commissioners