Press Release Workshop Alpine Region
On July 23rd and 24th 2012, within the framework of the joined application of the Mercantour National Park and of the Parco Naturale Alpi Marittime to the UNESCO World Heritage, experts met in Terme di Valdieri in Italy, to work on a comparative analysis of natural sites in the Alpine region.
Philippe Mondielli, scientific Director of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, participated to the welcoming of the taxonomist, geologist, geographer, botanist experts.
Since February the 1st 2002, both parks, Mercantour and Alpi Marittime, under the proposition of France, are registered for a common application on the tentative list of the World Heritage. Then, the Principality and the Foundation, concerned by the resolution of world ecological problems, decided to get involved together with both parks to support this application.
At the doors of the Principality of Monaco, the cross-border space Alpi Marittime-Mercantour forms the southern part of the Alps chain. For the scientific community, it constitutes a “hot spot” of biodiversity in Europe and in the world. This heritage is also known for its cultural treasure.
We think that becoming a member of this list, and taking the opportunity to enter in the great group of the most beautiful places of the world is the best way to promote both parks and protect this heritage, both natural and cultural. These parks are a place of confluence and exchange. The mountain is, of course, a border, but it also represents a privileged territory where people have the opportunity to meet. This area is the largest ecological network having an international importance and presenting the territorial environment where we find all the attributes which give the possibility to express its exceptional universal value.
There is a common history between the Mercantour and Monaco. Indeed, the Princely family supported the Mercantour National Park from its creation in 1979. The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, for its part, is committed since its creation, within the framework of its activities dedicated to the preservation of the biological diversity, to two programs in Mercantour: all taxa biodiversity inventory in the parks and the reintroduction of the bearded vultures. Since the Foundation started to take part in this program, ten bearded vultures have been released, including Junior Ranger and Il Malizia two months ago. We can now observe them flying around their nest, going further and further every day.