Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco
Friday June 18, from 6pm to 8pm at the Oceanographic Museum
Round table hosted by the Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco, as part of the "What is happening to us? " thematic day, in association with the Oceanographic Museum and in partnership with the Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco
Moderated by Joseph COHEN, founding member and philosopher
With the participation of
Dominique BOURG, philosopher
Joëlle ZASK, philosopher
Serge AUDIER, philosopher
There is every reason to believe that the ecological "crisis" is dragging humanity into an uncontrollable spiral of disasters that threaten to sweep the whole of life into extinction. Far from being just another "crisis", allowing a certain recovery or repair to take place, it now reveals a real peril that requires the most urgent commitment. Ecology must therefore represent not only an ethical task but also, and perhaps above all, an existential necessity for human beings, especially for future generations.
Philosophy can hardly indulge in edifying or consoling speeches, nor can it shy away from the dangers that face us. It must assume the responsibility first of all to analyse the causes and effects of what is happening to us, and then to propose avenues of reflection and action capable of sustaining a viable and prosperous future on behalf of humanity itself. It can have no other aim than to take a critical look at the very heart of the ecological "crisis", to mobilise all the living forces and all the knowledge in order to draw up a policy and an ethic for the world and humanity to come. What kind of politics should we adopt in the face of the threat that haunts us today and that risks taking away our living space? From what law is it possible to redefine, in the light of the ecological 'crisis', an ethic of collective, sustainable and equitable 'living together'? What resources can be committed today to save the environment from degeneration and thereby ensure a viable future for humanity?
Info & reservations : philomonaco.com