Results of the Carbon Inventory and programme to offset greenhouse gas emissions during the Royal Wedding
A Carbon Inventory for the events and festivities organised on the occasion of the Royal Wedding was implemented by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, as part of its "Monaco Carbon Offsetting" (MC02) programme, which enables individuals and companies to offset their greenhouse gas emissions on a voluntary basis.
The results of this inventory, developed according to the methodology, tools and emission factors defined by the ADEME[1]Carbon Inventory, give an emission total of 4,008 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
The air and land travel of all guests invited to the wedding was taken into account in the calculations, and alone represents 98.3% of the total amount of emissions.The other sources concern energy expenditure (1.2%) and the dinner hosted by the Royal couple on 2nd July (0.4%).
Since the accession of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, all the emissions generated by his air travel have been offset via the MC02 programme. It was therefore quite natural that the Sovereign was eager for all emissions generated by his wedding to be offset.
The MC02 programme uses exclusively CER[2]type carbon credits from CDM[3]projects, all certified by the Secretariat of the UNFCCC[4].
For the Royal Wedding, the CERs selected concern a portfolio of 4 different projects:Methanisation (recovery of methane released from landfills) in the Para State of Brazil; Hydroelectric power in Himachal Pradesh, India; River catchment in Yunnan, China; and a wind farm in Jiangxi, China.
Emission offset is just one aspect of a global approach which, prior to the organisation of the event, helped to keep the environmental impact down to the minimum. Consequently, various measures were implemented including:the supply of green electricity by SMEG's[5]"EDENERGIE" programme, the scrupulous treatment of pyrotechnic waste and the supply of local produce for the dinner.
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For further information, contact:
Raphaël Cuvelier, project coordinator and carbon inventory expert
Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation
Villa Girasole, 16, Boulevard de Suisse
98000 Monaco
[1]ADEME : French Environment and Energy Managment Agency.
[2]CER : Certified Emission Reduction concerning projects implemented exclusively in developing and transition countries
[3]CDM: Clean Development Mechanism
[4]UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
[5]SMEG: Société Monégasque de l’Electricité et du Gaz