The Human and Wildlife Initiative attended the 8th Festival Images et Montagnes
On Saturday 16 July, the Human and Wildlife Initiative (IHF) organised a conference - debate at the media library in Saint Martin Vésubie, in order to present the activities carried out on the field.
Members of the Steering Committee of the Initiative were present:
- Doctor Véronique Luddeni, representing the National Council for the Protection of Nature
- Daniel Siméon, representing the Hunting Federation of the 06
- Myriam Aarras and Philippe Mondielli, representing the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation
During the two panels, the project leaders supported by the Initiative each presented their actions and explained how they promote cohabitation between human activities and wildlife.
The first panel focused mainly on birdlife:
- Hélène Bovalis from the Association PACA pour Demain
- Florent Adamo - photographer and video maker
- Elsa Huet-Alegre from the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux PACA
- Mathilde Delaup - student at the University of Oviedo in Spain
The second panel, on the wolf, brought together :
- Gilles Cheylan from the French Society for the Study and Protection of Mammals
- Jeannine Blondel of the Association France Nature Environnement PACA
- Julien Baudat-Franceschi of Luberon Regional Nature Park
- Jacques Yves Enault from the Délégation Académique à l'éducation artistique et à l'Action Culturelle
- Rémy Masséglia - Naturalist and director
- Romain Lacoste from the Mercantour National Park
These two sessions were punctuated by discussions and exchanges with the audience and were a great success.
The conference continued with a theatrical presentation of the novel "Nés de la nuit" read by its author Caroline Audibert and performed by two students from the drama club of the Albert Ist high school in Monaco. The novel reveals, through the eyes of a young wolf in the Mercantour, an intimate relationship between fauna, flora and man.
The afternoon continued with a walk along the canals of Saint Martin Vésubie on the theme of "water resources and the problem of cohabitation with wildlife".
Among the highlights of the festival were the 11 photographic ensembles presented on the terrace of the Vesubia Mountain Park, alongside prints by Marc Pollini (La Vallée Avalée, la Vésubie), guest of honour of the FIM 2022 and member of the Jury. Under the direction of Francine Chich, President of the Fédération photographique de France, and in the presence of representatives of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Photomenton festival and the Hervé Gourdel Association, an award ceremony took place on Sunday, rewarding five photographers: The Hervé Gourdel Prize (best overall exhibition) was awarded to Michel Vincent, the Ewan Prize (best direction) to Camille Audibert, the Young Hope Prize to Alain William - who also received the Public Prize - and the Poster Prize (for a photograph selected for the FIM 2023 poster) to Robby Forte. A Special Jury Prize was also awarded to Thierry Maillet.