The Human - Wildlife Initiative supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation extends its action to Spain
Following on from its success in the
Sud-Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region since its creation in 2020, the Prince
Albert II of Monaco Foundation's Human - Wildlife Initiative is now extending
its action to Spain, where similar issues are being faced. The Spanish
branch of the Foundation has brought together two partners, the Fundación
Entretantos and the Observatorio Grupo Campo Grande, for this programme, which
is due to be launched on 25 September, coinciding with the opening of the calls
for projects.
The Human-Wildlife Initiative was launched in 2020 by the Prince
Albert II of Monaco Foundation and its five founding partners. At the
time, it was the first collaboration in the Sud-Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
region between those involved in agriculture, hunting and environmental
protection. The aim? To come up with innovative, practical proposals to improve
coexistence with wild fauna in land management. Since then, around thirty
projects have been supported in the region, covering eleven target species:
wolves, wild boar, chamois, bighorn sheep, ibex, foxes, avifauna, cervids,
mustelids, rodents and chiropterans. A network of people working in the field
has been created to help improve cohabitation between human activities and
In Spain, the branch of the Prince Albert II of Monaco
Foundation has brought together two new partners to replicate the programme:
- · Fundación Entretantos, a national non-governmental organisation. It acts as a social mediator and promotes conflict management and resolution. Its fields of action include food systems, agro-ecology, extensive livestock farming, the link between urban and rural areas, etc.
- · Observatorio Grupo Campo Grande, a national think tank set up by Fundación Entretantos. It is made up of a wide range of players with different positions and approaches to conflicts between extensive livestock farming and carnivores.
Today marks the launch of the first call for "Humanidad - Fauna silvestre" projects aimed at improving relations between human activities and wildlife in Spain. The aim is to identify and provide financial support to local players working on cohabitation projects at local level. The registration period, from 25 September to 31 October 2023, therefore concerns Spain for the first time and is the Initiative's fourth call for projects for France.
For more information: www.initiativehommefaunesauvage.org.
Human - Wildlife Initiative
Facilitating the coexistence of wildlife and human activities
Numerous economic and leisure activities take place in natural areas, and these can interact with wildlife. Good coexistence requires harmonious sharing of land and resources, so that biodiversity can flourish while allowing the human activities involved to run smoothly.
In 2020, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Conseil National de Protection de la Nature, the Chambre d'Agriculture des Alpes-Maritimes, the Fédération des Chasseurs des Alpes-Maritimes and the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur created the Man-Wildlife Initiative, focusing on rural and mountain areas in the Southern Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA) region of France. The initiative is supported by the Fondation Didier et Martine Primat and the Fondation Sancta Devota.
In 2023, the programme will extend to Spain, with the same aim: to develop innovative, practical proposals for improving the relationship between wildlife and human activities (agriculture, tourism, hunting, nature sports, forest management).
For more information: www.initiativehommefaunesauvage.org