The Pelagos Initiative organizes its first forum bringing together stakeholders of the Pelagos Sanctuary and launches a new call for projects supported by UBS Optimus Foundation and UBS Monaco
During the Monaco Ocean Week, the Pelagos Initiative organised its first "Pelagos Forum" on 21 March. More than 80 local stakeholders from marine protected area management bodies, municipalities, civil society, scientific organisms, the private sector and representatives of international agreements met to discuss and co-construct projects to work together within the Sanctuary.
On this occasion, a call for projects focusing on climate change impacts within the Pelagos Sanctuary was launched thanks to a partnership between UBS Optimus Foundation, UBS Monaco and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.
As part of this partnership, UBS Optimus Foundation and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation each commit to one million euros to strengthen climate action in this emblematic area of the Mediterranean. A conservation action that will also enter the portfolio of sustainable projects proposed by UBS Optimus Foundation Europe to their clients. UBS Monaco will top-up to match the donations that will be made by their clients or employees to UBS Optimus Foundation towards the Pelagos Initiative, with 10% or more.
The call for projects will be open until 21 May 2023 for grants ranging from EUR 100 000 to EUR 300 000 per project.
To download the pre-application file and to find out more about this new call, please visit the Pelagos Initiative website.