The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) sign a partnership agreement
Press release
During COP 26 in Glasgow, Olivier Wenden, vice-president of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, and Sébastien Treyer, executive director of IDDRI signed a partnership agreement between the two organisations.
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is delighted to be collaborating with IDDRI on issues of common interest such as the fight against the effects of climate change and adaptation to these harmful effects, international governance of the Ocean, and the protection and restoration of biodiversity. These missions have been at the heart of both entities' actions since their creation. Federating energies and sharing expertise are essential conditions for making effective progress towards sustainable development by deploying lasting solutions at all levels: local, regional, national and international.
Olivier Wenden stressed that "in the face of the environmental emergency, it is essential to speed up the implementation of appropriate and ambitious measures. Working to identify solutions and then taking them collectively to the highest levels, by encouraging dialogue and the sharing of good practices, is the best way to foster the changes we need to face the impacts of climate change. We are pleased to be able to move forward in this partnership with IDDRI."
Sébastien Treyer stresses that "it is necessary to unite political decision-makers, economic and institutional stakeholders, and of course civil society, around the reality of the threats to the climate and biodiversity outlined by scientists. Only rapid and resolute action, such as that initiated or supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, can help mitigate or control the threats to the natural world, including the Ocean, and the climate, while taking into account all of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals".
IDDRI, founded in 2001, is an independent think tank that facilitates the transition to sustainable development. To this end, IDDRI identifies the conditions and offers tools to place sustainable development at the heart of international relations and public and private policies. It operates at different levels, from international cooperation to national and local governments and businesses, each level informing the other. As both a research institute and a platform for dialogue, IDDRI creates the conditions for a shared diagnosis and expertise between stakeholders. It brings them together in a transparent and collaborative manner, on the basis of leading interdisciplinary research. IDDRI then makes its analyses and proposals available to all. Four issues are at the heart of the institute's work: climate, biodiversity and ecosystems, the Ocean and the governance of sustainable development.