Villa Girasole: a high-energy performance ''Belle Epoque'' villa
Monaco - (18th February 2013)
Villa Girasole, which houses the offices of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, saw its electricity consumption drop from 84 to 42 kWh/m2 per year between 2005 and 2012, i.e. a 50% reduction, a result that places this old building in the high-energy performance category.
Since 2011, Villa Girasole has been equipped with a solar photovoltaic system consisting of 36 panels covering a 60m2 area, installed by the Government of Monaco's state buildings department.
This improved energy performance, which forms part of the strategy of the Government of Monaco's climate energy plan, is explained by several factors:an increase in the production of solar power which was operational for a full year in 2012, an upgrade of the low-voltage electric panel enabling a link to be established between the incoming distribution network and the client network, thus eliminating parasitic consumption on unused lines. At the same time, the sound management of Villa Girasole's energy consumption by its users in the spring and the autumn meant that the heat pump could be turned off.
This action is also in line with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation’s commitment to combat climate change through the development of energy efficiency and renewable energies.