Dates / Project duration
February 2021 - November 2022 / 22 months
Development of marine protected areas
Fondation Malpelo et d'Autres Ecosystèmes Marins
?Hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) are considered a top priority species for the establishment of conservation strategies. Sadly, in 2019 the IUCN was obliged to upgrade its conservation status as being “critically endangered” due to the continuous decline in global populations. To support this species, it is crucial to protect them at juvenile age. Since 2018, the Fondation Malpelo has been working in the Gulf of Tribugá, looking for nursery areas. In this context, three areas of the Gulf were assessed, by acoustic telemetry, with the installation of three receivers along the coastal area and by tagging 13 sharks in 2018 and 17 individuals in 2019.
With this project, the Fondation Malpelo’s team will define and outline this nursery area by installing 4 acoustic receivers along the Tribugá Golf coastline and attaching acoustic tags to 20 juvenile sharks.