Dates / Project duration
May 2012 - December 2019 / 92 months
Combating deforestation
École pour la Formation des Spécialistes de la Faune de Garoua / Ministère des Forêts et de la Faune
?The goal of this project is to ensure a sustainable environment in Tcheboa's Biologically Important rea (BIA) using a process to reduce deforestation and forest degradation by setting up a co-management structure. The programme is responsible for implementing activities for the restoration of the natural environment and eco-development such as:
- reforestation
- strengthening the organisational, operational and managerial capacity of community-based organisations;
- developing alternative solutions to poaching and those which are income-generating;
- developing and implementing a multi-player management plan for the BIA;
- establishing a restoration and sustainable management programme for 20,000 hectares.