SCROPHULARIA : Operational Network Conservation Strategy for Plants and Habitats

SCROPHULARIA : Operational Network Conservation Strategy for Plants and Habitats

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
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Dates / Project duration

January 2023 - December 2027 / 5 years

Field of action :

Increase knowledge of biodiversity

Branch :


Location :

Mediterranean zone of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Occitanie, Auvergne-Rhône Alpes and Corsica regions

Project sponsor(s) :

Conservatoire botanique national méditerranéen

The Mediterranean is not only one of the richest regions in terms of biodiversity, but also one of the most threatened by global change. In continental and island Mediterranean France, the dynamics of ecosystems and landscapes have been significantly altered in recent decades as a result of profound socio-economic mutations and global change.

The French Mediterranean coastal and central regions are among the most urbanised areas in the Mediterranean basin and are still seriously threatened by urban sprawl and the fragmentation of the natural environment.
Shaped by biogeographical history, the many natural habitats and plant species of very high conservation value are directly affected by global change. The implementation of conservation measures in this highly urbanised area is therefore a priority for the overall conservation and restoration of these environments.

The actions proposed in this SCROPHULARIA project are based on elements of the conservation strategy developed between 2019 and 2021 as part of the network's first programme. In this territorial context, where the ecological challenges are at least as great as the pressures of urbanisation, the actions are grouped in four areas: (i) support for those involved in conservation, (ii) implementation of actions to monitor and conserve key species and habitats, (ii) involvement of those involved in the conservation of Mediterranean flora, (iv) sharing of challenges.

In addition to the existing protection tools, it is still necessary to develop and strengthen conservation actions within a network of partners in order to preserve the populations of rare species and the functioning of habitats in this area under pressure.