Dates / Project duration
January 2012 - December 2012 / 1 years
Development of energy efficiency and renewable energies
Paris, France
Institut de Développement Durable et des Relations Internationale (IDDRI)
Following the recent and high number of accidents occurring on offshore oil rigs, the international community is questioning the adequacy of the current regulatory system for this activity, especially with regard to the impact of these accidents on the marine environment.
Although consideration has already been given to the rethinking of offshore oil operating conditions, no scientific project has provided states with global solutions to this issue.
Consequently, the project involves setting up a steering committee, bringing together a dozen experts recognised for their technical, economic and legal expertise in the offshore energy sector, whose role is to guide the work conducted and provide the players concerned with the knowledge and contacts necessary.
The approach then involves producing a report which will provide a technical, economic and legal overview of the offshore oil industry, not only at a global scale but also in regard to specific regions such as the Arctic and West Africa. This overview will also identify the main shortfalls in regulating this activity so that they can be addressed by the project. Finally, feedback workshops will provide an opportunity to discuss, add information to and modify the report before the final version is submitted.