France - Governance


Mr Thomas Grenon

President of the French Committee of the Foundation

Mr. Thomas Grenon, a Mines engineer, began his career in the public service in the nuclear department of the Energy and Raw Materials Branch of the Ministry of Industry. He subsequently joined the External Economic Relations Department of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Culture and Communication. From 1997, he was successively Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Financière Agache, Corporate Secretary of AXA insurance and investment manager at the Royal Bank of Scotland. Back in the public service in 2003, he took the post of Director General of the Cité des Sciences et l'Industrie until 2005 when he became General Administrator of the Réunion des Musées Nationaux. Thomas Grenon succeeded Bertrand-Pierre Galey as Director General of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle in 2010. Engaged in a vast movement of renovation, the institution under his leadership continues its transformation and reopens a number of places closed for several years: the Botany Gallery, the Paris Zoological Park, the Mineralogy Gallery and the Museum of Man. Since March 2016, Thomas Grenon has held the position of Director General of the Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais (LNE), where he has carried out a number of reforms such as spinning off of its medical device certification activity into a subsidiary, the implementation of an innovative company agreement validated by referendum or the repositioning of the laboratory's activities in high value-added fields such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, the factory of the future, cyber security, health and the environment, which have enabled LNE to turn around its financial situation and achieve historic annual results from 2017. He was a member of the Scientific and Technical Committee from 2011 to 2023.

Mr Alain Le Roy

Ambassador of France, Assistant Treasurer, Honorary Senior Counselor at the Cour des Comptes, Former UN Deputy Secretary-General.

Mrs Annabelle Jaeger

Director of the Energy Transition Mission of the Government of Monaco General Secretary

Mr Pierre Louis Colin

Advisor for External Relations to the French Committee of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, Assistant Secretary-General

Mr Jean Jouzel

Chercheur dans le domaine de l'évolution du climat Directeur émérite de Recherches au CEA Vice-président du groupe de travail scientifique du GIEC de 2002 à 2015 (co-lauréat du Prix Nobel de la Paix en 2007) Membre du Conseil Économique, Social et Environ

Mr Raphaël Ghiandai

Chief Financial of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundatin (Monaco), Treasurer of the French Committee of the Foundation

Mrs Hélène Onoforo Sanaia

Mrs Marion Semblat

President of the association Time for the Ocean